This morning I woke up thinking about the Hand of GOD. What does the hand of GOD mean to you? It was obviously important to the anointed writers of the Bible because It is mentioned over 1800 times according to one source. I can remember as a little boy, how big my daddy’s hands were compared to mine and I felt safe when mine were in his. Can you remember that? But when I think of GOD’s hands, I think of hands that are so big, he can hold all creation in HIS palm. I can envision GOD’s hands reaching down from the heavens to lift JESUS from this earth to sit HIM in at HIS right side. Most of all, I think of GOD’s hand of protection on me daily. And I love the declaration of John 10:28, “And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.” As believers, we are safely in the hands of JESUS, take comfort and thank HIM today and everyday!