We had a great time at the Theme Park yesterday with our Grandkids and they rode all of the rollercoasters and some more than once. I rode two of them and came to a realization…..I am too old to ride them. I don’t wear dentures but if I did, they would have been rattled yesterday, because every other part of my body was. Realization is something we become aware of on our own, like I am now to old to rIde big rollercoasters. Spiritual revelations are different. They are something revealed or disclosed from GOD thru the HOLY SPIRIT or an anointed person of GOD. Ephesians 1:17 says “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him”. Two days ago, I received a revelation about how I can increase my Faith so I can receive the Blessings and Healings GOD has in store for me. I began reading and listening to Matthew and will repeat the four Gospels again and again. An increased Faith only comes from “hearing GOD’s WORD”, Romans 10:17. Hearing is written I in the present tense….which means now…today. Increase your Faith today by hearing GOD’s WORD today!