I woke up this morning thinking about “turning right” which was a voice I hear yesterday while driving out of town. It wasn’t a voice from GOD, it was the nice woman’s voice from the Waze App telling me to turn right. For some reason, GOD was reminding me of something. Sometimes we flat out make mistakes and turn the wrong way like Douglas Corridon did in 1938 when he took off from New York meaning to turn west to fly cross country to California, but turned east instead and ended up in Dublin Ireland. He became famous and earned the nickname “wrong way Corridan”. Making the wrong turn by mistake is easy to do and we have all done it. We must stop, turn around and head in the right direction. Isaiah 30:21 says “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. Let GOD’s WORD help you make the right turns today!