What does it mean to “fear GOD” and what happens to those that don’t fear GOD? Last night, I read the first chapter of I WILL FOLLOW YOU O GOD by Jerry Bridges and those questions were answered. To “fear GOD” is a sort of “reverent awe” and not being afraid of the consequences for not fearing GOD. I agree with Bridges, that we must have a fear of the ONE who created us so that we will love, honor and obey HIM. The Apostle Paul says in 2 Timothy 1:6,”For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” Without the fear of GOD, the people will become wicked, read Abraham 20:11 about the Amalekites. Since there is plenty of wickedness around us today, there must be a great lack of fear of GOD. Keep praying, GOD has a plan for our lives!