If I mention the word “waiting room” what thoughts or feelings come to mind? My guess is that they are not pleasant or positive, right? It probably depends on whether it’s the IRS, the hospital, the doctors office waiting on the results of tests, or something else that could be stressful or anxious. This morning, I want to talk about GOD’s waiting room. His waiting room has a location…..inside us. We may find ourselves waiting on GOD to answer a prayer, to give us direction or get us out of a jam, or maybe you are waiting on a Blessing. In all waiting rooms, especially GOD’s, don’t forget the HOLY SPIRIT is always with you, standing by and waiting for your prayer to join you, and remember HE will give you Peace that passes all understanding, Philippians 4:6-7. Are you in a waiting room today? Ask JESUS to join you. HE will never let you down.