This morning I was thinking about the difference between happiness and joy and I ran across a summary of a book entitled “Happy Brain”, written by neuroscientist Dean Burnett. Burnett’s says happiness is an emotion that is formed deep in the brain which as sort of a reward mechanism, that allows us to experience pleasure. Like any other emotion, happiness is temporary. Unfortunately, when we are looking for happiness and don’t find it, it could lead to other emotions of sadness, guilt, etc. Joy, on the other hand is more than an emotion, it is more like a permanent state of contentment, not dependent on circumstances like happiness is. Joy is not something that comes from within us, only from GOD. The Apostle Paul shared that GOOD news this way “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13. This morning, may we find the Joy GOD has in store for us and thru that Joy, we will also experience happiness.